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The makers of this supplement also note users are able to do more muscle pumps that non-users and attribute those results to the effectiveness of the product. One clear advantage of is that it contains no stimulants and no caffeine. That means that users of this supplement will not experience the annoying jitters and the painful and debilitating crashes that accompany some père-workout supplements. Instead, users ideally find that this supplement gives them enough energy that they are better able to achieve their goals in the gym. However, some reviewers have expressed concerns that the feelings of added energy and stamina Zytek XLcan wear off after just a few weeks of use. Certificates is a relatively new product, but several of its bolder claims are based on at least scientific evidence. For instance, researchers have found that nitric oxide levels in the human body have important impacts on the results of exercise. And scientific evidence has shown that beet roots can impact nitric oxide levels.